Mariko Kobayashi “You Only Need to Bear the Sun” by KOTARO NUKAGA

Mariko Kobayashi “You Only Need to Bear the Sun”
November 3 ‒ November 22, 2020
Tues – Fri 11:00-19:00 Sat, Sun & Holidays 11:00-17:00
※Closed on Mon* and November 15

■Artist Talk supported by CVJ
・Date: Friday, November 13, 2020
・Time: 18:30- 19:00
・Admission Free
※Reservation required, required (limited to 15 visitors)
*Please visit Peatix to make a reservation. Reservation available in order of application
*We ask all the visitors to stand and keep a safe distance. Walk-in is welcome depending on space availability.

CADAN Yurakucho has finished its series of group exhibition, and from November, member galleries will take turns to hold exhibitions one by one.  The first show is Mariko Kobayashi’s solo exhibition “ You Only Need to Bear the Sun” organized by KOTARO NUKAGA based in Tennozu, Tokyo.  In addition to the large scale work “Heat and Water” (3 m x 5 m), they will present 23 new works including 8 sculptural works. 

Utilizing a method of combining different materials using textile techniques such as weaving, dyeing, knitting, and stitching, Mariko Kobayashi renders different connections that exist in the world. “Circulation of life” is the central theme that runs throughout her artistic practice.

In her work “Heat and Water”, Kobayashi employs a mountain motif to represent the ecosystem. The sun, rain, earth, and water are familiar yet essential “heat and water” elements that circulate the repeating life cycle of plants and animals. Becoming aware of the cycle leads to the realization that we are connected to nature, and the very cycle and circulation also flow within us. We also learn that despite being a part of nature, humans have been exploiting it for our own wealth.  The donkey motif from “You Only Need to Bear the Sun”, which is also the title of this exhibition, reminds viewers of its harsh life as a bearer of heavy loads for the benefit of humans.  Why are we making donkeys to carry burdens that we cannot carry ourselves?  How far are we going to coerce them into carrying the burdens?  The work engages viewers to reflect on how we live and what is truly important that we should value. While living in a great realm of nature where heat, water, and air circulate, humans are not aware of it, only caught up in their loads in front of them. On the back of the burden-free donkey shines the sun, symbolizing universal connections in nature and the essential core values in life.  Kobayashi expresses the cycle of life and the multi-layered relationship between nature and humans not only through the works’ vivid color and materiality, but also by selecting and treating each material with care. Weaving together different elements by hand resembles the slow and gradual process of restoring the disconnected relationship. Please enjoy the fascinating charm that the works possess and the artist’s message through her handwork.

Mariko Kobayashi
Born in Osaka, Japan, 1987
2012 Masters of Fine Arts [Textile design], Tama Art University, Tokyo, Japan Kobayashi’ s selected shows include, All of the world, s+arts gallery, Tokyo (2019), Waking up at bue, Sleeping in the red, Art for Thought, Tokyo (2018), Circular forest, FEI ART MUSEUM Yokohama, Kanagawa (2018). Her group shows include, FIBER&FACES 12+1 ‒ Metamorphosis ‒, /3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo (2019), Roppongi Art Night 2015 (WS), Street Museum 2015, Tokyo (2015), New beat in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (2012).

《Heat and Water》2018 -2020, Cotton, linen and wool, 300.0 × 500.0 cm

《You Only Need to Bear the Sun》2020, Clay, soil, diatomite, cotton, acrylic gouache, straw, 17.0×20.0×40.0 cm

《toki toki》2019, Cotton, linen and wool on canvas 45.5 × 38.0 cm

《May the Wind Carry Your Thoughts》 2020, Cotton, linen and wool, 39.0 × 24.0 cm

《Memories》2020, Clay, soil, diatomite, cotton, acrylic gouache, 22.0×40.0×20.0cm