Abstractions – from a certain point – Yasuko Toyoshima, Katsuhisa Sato, Fuminao Suenaga, Shoko Masunaga by Maki Fine Arts

2024.8.6 Tue – 8.24 Sun
Address: 1F Kokusai Building, 3-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11-19pm, Sat, Sun, national holidays 11-17pm
Closed: Mon (or the following weekday if the Monday is a public holiday)
Organized by Maki Fine Arts

Opening reception: 6 August (Tue) 18:00-20:00
Closing party: 25 August (Sun) 15:00-17:00 *Exhibiting artists will attend.

Yasuko Toyoshima
By taking a critical look at institutions and systems found in everyday life and in our society, Toyoshima focuses on creating works that shed light on the patterns found in human thought.
Born in 1967, Saitama, Japan. Toyoshima received her MFA from Tokyo University of the Arts. Recent shows include Origination Method (solo, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2023-24), Group Show – Yasuko Toyoshima, Ryosuke Ogino, Makoto Ito (group, 2023-24, Maki Fine Arts), Enclosure(solo, M gallery, 2021), Alternating Current 2021(solo, Galleria Finarte, 2021), PUBLIC
DEVICE – Symbolism and Permanence of Sculpture (group, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of The Arts, Tokyo,(2020).

Yasuko Toyoshima, The Copernican Theory_2020 Khanun, 2020
Wood, natural paint, bolt and nut, flat washer, 17.5 x 17.5 x 4.9 cm

Katsuhisa Sato
Sato explores the relationship between color and form with humor, using the system and form of painting as his subject matter.
Born in 1973, Hiroshima, Japan. Sato received his MFA from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music. Recent shows
include solo show (See Saw gallery+hibit, 2023), Same Thing (solo, SHINBI GALLERY, 2023), Insight 28 “hang” (group, Yoshimi
Arts, 2023), Collection Beginning – Multiverse / Cat (group, Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, 2023), SHOUONJI ART PROJECT 28th Katsuhisa Sato ”surface / ecafrus” (solo, SHOUONJI, 2021).

Katsuhisa Sato, face to face, 2019, Oil on canvas, 65.2 x 53 cm

Fuminao Suenaga
His paintings and three-dimensional works are based on visual subject matters inspired by elements relating to exhibition spaces and observations made during day-to-day activities.
Born in 1974, Yamaguchi, Japan. Suenaga graduated from Tokyo Zokei University in 1999 with a major in painting. Recent shows include UTSUSU (group, BOOK AND SONS, 2024), Textural Synthesis (group, Mitsukoshi Contemporary, 2024), Light paintings (solo, Maki Fine Arts, 2024), HEIHA (group, Gallery DEN5, 2023), Group Show – Yoshio Shirakawa | Fuminao Suenaga | Keisuke Shirota | Shunsuke Kano | Sean Micka (group, Maki Fine Arts, 2023).

Fuminao Suenaga, Search Results, 2018, Acrylic,pigment on cotton,panel, 35.6 x 56 cm

Shoko Masunaga
Her creative process originates from paintings and utilizes a variety of techniques. By focusing on the connections to the surrounding environment and space, her works become fluid and interchangeable.
Born 1980 in Osaka, Japan, Shoko Masunaga graduated from Seian Zokei Junion College in 2001 with a degree in painting.
Recent shows include MEMORIES (group, CADAN Yurakucho, 2023), Ginza Curator’s Room #005 Angel’s Perch (group, Shibunkaku Ginza, 2023), What Comes After the Beyond (solo, Maki Fine Arts, 2023), editing (solo, nidi gallery,2022), replace (solo, LOKO Gallery, 2021).

Shoko Masunaga, session4, 2023, Panel, canvas, acrylic, pencil、72.5 x 40 x 2 cm